WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors.

About Abuse

In the Workplace

Updated: July 20, 2023

Workplace Restraining Orders (Filed by Employers)

If you are an employer and one of your employees is being abused by an intimate partner, stalked, or threatened, some states will allow you (the employer) to file for a restraining order against the abusive person. The restraining order can protect you, the abused employee, your other employees, your customers, your property, and more.

WomensLaw.org has plain language legal information about workplace restraining orders in the following states:

In the following states, although there is not a separate workplace restraining order, employers can file for the same type of orders that are available to victims:

  • In Colorado, employers file for a domestic violence protection order to protect the business/place of employment;
  • In North Carolina, an employer can file for a civil no-contact order (“50C order”); and
  • In Maryland, an employee can file for a peace order if the employee was abused at the workplace.

If you don’t see your state listed, you can contact us via our Email Hotline and we can check to see if there is a similar law in your state that we don’t yet have on WomensLaw.org.