WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors.

Safety Planning

For Domestic Violence Victims

August 2, 2023

This section has safety tips for victims of domestic violence who are at risk of being physically abused by their partner. It’s important for you to think through how to keep as safe as possible in case of violent behavior from the abuser. Please know that the tips below do not mean you are responsible for avoiding the abuse. Wearing certain clothing, drinking alcohol, or doing anything that the abuser doesn’t agree with does not mean you are at fault for the abuser’s behavior. 

Also, keep in mind that most abusers use more than one abuse tactic to maintain power and control. Please look through the other Safety Planning pages for information on alternatives to keep as safe as possible in different situations.

Tips to help try to keep you and your children safe while still living with an abuser.

If you are thinking about ending a violent relationship, this page can help you think of ways to prepare.