The Cyber Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI) provides emotional support, technical advice, and information to current victims of online abuse. Victims can reach out to CCRI through the Helpline and receive support from a Helpline Counselor or a member of the CCRI team. CCRI’s Helpline provides access and communication to victims of nonconsensual pornography in the United States 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Posting Nude/Sexual Images Without Consent/"Revenge Porn"
WomensLaw cannot vouch for the information or services provided by these organizations.
Cyber Civil Rights Legal Project
The Cyber Civil Rights Legal Project helps victims of nonconsensual pornography by providing them legal assistance on a pro bono basis. The Cyber Civil Rights Legal Project is founded on the principle that people have a right of privacy in their intimate photographs and videos, and that the public, online dissemination of that media without consent is an invasion of that sexual privacy amounting to a “cyber civil rights” violation.