The iStand Parent Network is a non-profit organization whose mission is to empower parents to recover their children from international parental child abduction and wrongful retention. Parents can share documents, experiences and other “Parent Pro Tips” that may help another parent.
Custody/International Abductions
WomensLaw cannot vouch for the information or services provided by these organizations.
iStand Parent Network
Legal Resource Center on Violence Against Women
The Legal Resource Center on Violence Against Women (LRCVAW) helps advocates and lawyers with issues of interstate custody where domestic violence is involved. The LRC can also try to assist survivors of domestic violence to find legal representation for interstate custody cases. They do not help with international custody cases.
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC)
The mission of the NCMEC is to help find missing children, reduce child sexual exploitation, and prevent child victimization. NCMEC works with families, victims, private industry, law enforcement, and the public to assist with preventing child abductions, recovering missing children, and providing services to deter and combat child sexual exploitation. They offer resources, family support, and information to report or look for missing children.
Resource Center on Domestic Violence: Child Protection and Custody
The Resource Center on Domestic Violence provides information and materials related to child protection and custody within the context of domestic violence.
The Custody Project
The Custody Project assists qualified mothers who can no longer provide the common necessities of life for their families, due to the cost of defending the custody or visitation of their children. Assisting mothers and their children with visitation and custody expenses in accordance with its mission, TCP recognizes that finances often diminish sharply and common necessities must be forfeited when legal expenses must take precedence to preserve a family’s welfare. For this reason, grants assist families directly with legal expenses or, when they have been paid, with food, utilities, rent, mortgage, car, and other expenses which had to be forfeited to cover the legal expenses. TCP does this through the Heart to Heart Program assisting qualified mothers with care, custody and visitation expenses, including reference, consultation, and caseload costs, via grants. In addition to TCP’s grant program, their revolving-door loan program serves when, as mothers repay their loans, the funds become available to help other families in need.
The Hague Domestic Violence Project
The Hague Domestic Violence Project provides information for mothers, lawyers, judges, and advocates involved in a domestic violence case brought under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. Their goal is to help mothers, attorneys, judges and advocates incorporate child exposure to domestic violence as a defense to the otherwise required return of the child to his home country.