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Legal Information: Guam

Statutes: Guam

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October 30, 2024

31.30. Child Abuse; Defined & Punished

(Information regarding effective dates, repeals, etc. is provided subsequently in this document.)

(a) A person is guilty of child abuse when:

(1) he subjects a child to cruel mistreatment; or

(2) having a child in his care or custody or under his control, he:

(A) deserts that child with intent to abandon him;

(B) subjects that child to cruel mistreatment; or

(C) unreasonably causes or permits the physical or, emotional health of that child to be endangered.

(b) Child abuse is a felony of the third degree when it is committed under circumstances likely to result in death or serious bodily injury. Otherwise, it is a misdemeanor.

(c) Voluntary surrender of physical custody of a newborn infant by a mother to authorized Safe Haven personnel pursuant to the provisions of the Newborn Infant Safe Haven Act, 19 GCA, Chapter 13, Article 5, is an absolute defense to prosecution for child abuse as a result of deserting that child with intent to abandon that child under Subsection (a)(2)(A) of this Section.

(1) For purposes of this Subsection, “authorized Safe Haven personnel” has the same meaning as defined under the Newborn Infant Safe Haven Act, 19 GCA § 13503(a).

(2) For purposes of this Subsection, “mother” has the same meaning as defined under the Newborn Infant Safe Haven Act, 19 GCA § 13503(d).

(3) For purposes of this Subsection, “newborn infant” has the same meaning as defined under the Newborn Infant Safe Haven Act, 19 GCA § 13503(e).