WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.

Legal Information: North Carolina

Housing Laws

Laws current as of December 10, 2024

What housing laws can protect me?

North Carolina has a law that offers housing-related protection to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. The law includes protections from eviction and the right to break your lease in certain situations. It also gives you the right to get the lock changed in your apartment. This law does not include protection for an eviction case brought against you for not paying your rent.1

If you are not a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking but have questions about your housing rights, here are some links that may provide useful information:

If you are not sure if you are a victim of domestic violence, see What is the legal definition of domestic violence in North Carolina?

1 NCGS § 42-42.2