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Legal Information: Utah

Housing Laws

Laws current as of September 19, 2024

How long do I have to move out? Do I have to pay any fees?

Once you give your landlord the written notice of termination, you have 15 days to move out. You are still responsible for the rent during those 15 days. You’re also responsible for any money you already owed the landlord before you decided to move, and you may have to pay for any damages to the residence.1

In addition to any rent you may owe, you also have to pay the landlord an additional month’s rent as a “termination fee.” The termination fee is due either on the day you provide the notice or the day you move out, whichever is later.2

1 UT ST § 57-22-5.1(6), (8)
2 UT ST § 57-22-5.1(1)(h), (4)(d)