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Legal Information: Vermont

Statutes: Vermont

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July 11, 2024

664. Definitions

As used in this subchapter:

(1) “Parental rights and responsibilities” means the rights and responsibilities related to a child’s physical living arrangements, education, medical and dental care, religion, travel, and any other matter involving a child’s welfare and upbringing.

(A) “Legal responsibility” means the rights and responsibilities to determine and control various matters affecting a child’s welfare and upbringing, other than routine daily care and control of the child. These matters include but are not limited to education, medical and dental care, religion and travel arrangements. Legal responsibility may be held solely or may be divided or shared.

(B) “Physical responsibility” means the rights and responsibilities to provide routine daily care and control of the child subject to the right of the other parent to have contact with the child. Physical responsibility may be held solely or may be divided or shared.

(2) “Parent child contact” means the right of a parent who does not have physical responsibility to have visitation with the child.