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Legal Information: Washington

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of August 1, 2024

What other types of orders may help me?

Restraining Order
A restraining order is filed as part of a divorce case, a paternity case, or other family law case.1 This is broader than a domestic violence protection order, since it can also deal with property issues, child support, or spousal support. If you are concerned about preventing the abuser from getting rid of your assets during your separation, you might contact an attorney to see about getting a restraining order.

No Contact Order
This order is intended to protect you if the abuser is in the process of a criminal case. The judge will decide whether or not to issue this order when s/he decides if the abuser is to be released on bail or personal recognizance, or when the abuser is formally charged or being sentenced. It does not award custody, establish visitation, or order counseling.2

You can read information about the following orders to see if you might qualify for any: Sexual Assault Protection OrderStalking Protection OrderCivil Anti-Harassment Order, Vulnerable Adult Protection Order, and Extreme Risk Protection Order.

1 R.C.W. § 7.105.115(1)(b)
2 R.C.W. § 10.99.050