Who can get a protection order? Can I get one against someone who is not my spouse, intimate partner, or relative?
Under Colorado law, you may be eligible for a protection order against someone you are not in a relationship with and not related to if that person has:
- stalked you,
- sexually assaulted you,
- made “unlawful sexual contact” with you,
- physically assaulted you,
- threatened you with physical harm, or
- threatened or harmed an animal owned by your or by your children (if you are an elderly or at-risk adult).1
Note: If you are at least 60 years old OR mentally or physically incapacitated, verbal abuse or wrongful confinement can also be reasons for a protection order. See What is the legal definition of abuse of an elderly or at-risk adult? for more information.
1 Colo. Rev. Stat. §§ 13-14-104.5(1)(a); 13-14-101(1)