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Legal Information: Federal


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Laws current as of November 22, 2024

What is a bona fide determination? At what point in the T visa application process does it happen?

If you file an application for a T visa after August 28, 2024, your application will automatically go through a new process called the bona fide determination process. If you filed before August 28, 2024, your application might go through this process, but only if:

  1. your application is still pending on August 28, 2024; and
  2. USCIS sends you a letter requesting more evidence to decide your application.1

In short, the bona fide determination process is a mini or surface-level evaluation of your application where a USCIS agent will:

  • look at what you filed to make sure it is not fraudulent;
  • confirm that you are not missing any required application parts; and
  • run a background check to review your criminal history.2

If USCIS gives you a positive bona fide determination, it will issue you deferred action, which is a temporary protection against being put into removal proceedings. It can also issue you a work permit if you request one under filing category (c)(40).3 If you were already ordered removed (deported) by an immigration judge, then a positive bona fide determination will also automatically prevent your actual physical deportation until a final decision is made on your T visa application.4

If you receive a positive bona fide determination, then any family members that you included as derivatives on your application will also have their applications go through the process for their own consideration.5 However, only derivatives who are in the U.S. can receive a bona fide determination.

1 8 CFR 214.204(m); 8 CFR 214.205
2 8 CFR 214.205(a)(2)
3 8 CFR 274a.12(c)(40)
4 8 CFR 214.205(b)(2)(iii)
5 8 CFR 214.205(b)