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Esta parte de nuestro sitio web incluye los cambios que hemos realizado en la página, empezando por el más reciente, pero solamente está disponible en inglés. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en escribirnos.
noviembre 2024
In our Montana Download Court Forms page, we added links to the Montana Judicial Branch website for forms related to child support, common law marriage, and name changes for adults and children.
In our Massachusetts Extreme Risk Protection Orders section, we revised Who can file for an extreme risk protection order? to include the following additional people who can file:
- a healthcare provider who provided health care services to the respondent within the past six months; and
- a principal, assistant principal, or administrator of a school of college where the respondent is enrolled.
We also clarified that a law enforcement officer who files must have interacted with the respondent in an official capacity within the past 30 days. These edits are in line with the court petition that was revised in October 2024. Changes made in English; Spanish coming soon!
We revised the following two questions in our Oklahoma Custody section, based on 2024 legislative changes adding child abuse to the factors judges must consider when awarding custody:
- Can a parent who committed domestic violence, child abuse, stalking, or harassment get visitation or custody?
- Aside from domestic violence, child abuse, stalking, and harassment, are there other reasons why the judge might not order custody or visitation?
We revised our Oklahoma Suing an Abuser for Money page to clarify the availability of attorney fees in small claims cases.
We also added a statute related to custody to our Selected Oklahoma Statutes page.
We added the following new crimes to our Florida Crimes page in English (Spanish coming soon) and to our Selected Florida Statutes page:
On our Washington Download Court Forms page, we updated links to the Washington State Courts website’s forms for protection orders, extreme risk protection orders, orders restricting abusive litigation, and custody.
We restructured our Minnesota Crimes page by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes. We also added the crimes “riot,” “spring guns,” and “crime committed for benefit of gang.” All changes made in English and Spanish.
On our New Jersey Restraining Orders page, we updated the links in Do I have to register my protection order in NJ in order to get it enforced? and What if I don’t register my protection order? Will it be more difficult to have it enforced? to the updated New Jersey Domestic Violence Procedures Manual that was edited in 2022.
We restructured our Michigan Crimes page by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes. We also added the crime of “furnishing obscene books to minors.” All changes made in English and Spanish.
In our Illinois Stalking No Contact Orders section, we revised Who is eligible for a stalking no contact order? to include that the following additional people can file a petition:
- a victim of stalking who is a service member of the Illinois National Guard or any reserve military component serving in Illinois who already has a military protective order (MPO); or
- the Staff Judge Advocate of the Illinois National Guard or any reserve military component serving in Illinois who is filing on behalf of a victim of stalking who already has a military protective order (MPO). However, the stalking victim must agree (consent) to a petition being filed by the Staff Judge Advocate.
The revision is based on a law that took effect in July 2023; we regret the delay in updating this information. (Spanish soon to come.)
We updated the link to the Crime Victims Reimbursement Program on our Minnesota Crimes page.
In our Hawaii Divorce section, we revised What factors will a judge consider when deciding alimony? to make the factors easier to understand. We also created a new question called How long can alimony last? Lastly, in our Hawaii Crimes page, we updated links to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s website for the Restitution and Victim Services office and the Crime Victim Compensation Commission.
In our Delaware Restraining Orders section, we revised Do I need to tell the court in Delaware if I move? to add additional information.
In our New Mexico Restraining Orders section, we revised Do I need to tell the court in New Mexico if I move? in English and Spanish to add additional information.
In our Delaware Restraining Orders section, we created a question called My petition for an order was denied. Can I appeal? We also revised What can I do if the abuser violates the order? for clarity and accuracy. Lastly, we added a statute related to appealing a commissioner’s decision to our Selected Delaware Statutes page.
Based on 2024 legislative changes, we revised our Delaware Suing an Abuser for Money page to add that the right to sue someone for money damages if they distribute an intimate image now also applies to “deep fake” images, which are created or changed using digital technology that creates a realistic but false image, audio, or video (“synthetic media”).
We translated into Spanish the Selected Louisiana Statutes page introduction.
We translated into Spanish the recently updated resources on our Kansas Lawyer Referral Services and Legal Assistance pages.
We translated into Spanish the recently updated resources on our Utah Lawyer Referral Services and Legal Assistance pages.
We translated into Spanish recent revisions to 29 questions and five new questions on our T Visa for Trafficking Victims page.
We translated into Spanish our entire Louisiana State Gun Laws and Suing an Abuser for Money pages.
On our About Abuse – Abuse Using Technology page, we translated into Spanish recent revisions to 22 questions and six newly created questions in the following sections:
Based on 2024 legislative changes, we revised What is the legal definition of abuse in Massachusetts? in our Massachusetts Abuse Prevention Orders section to add coercive control as a reason that an order can now be granted.
In our Massachusetts Restraining Orders section, we revised 6 questions to update the links to various court forms on the website. Changes made in English and Spanish. We also added links the following court forms on our Massachusetts Download Court Forms page:
- extreme risk protection orders;
- divorce;
- custody and parenting time;
- child support; and
- small claims court.
Spanish coming soon.
We created a new South Carolina Child Support page including 10 new questions about filing for, changing (modifying), and enforcing a child support order. Spanish coming soon!
We also added 6 statutes related to paternity and child support to our Selected South Carolina Statutes page.
We added the question How is paternity established in South Carolina? to our South Carolina Custody section. Spanish coming soon!
In our Massachusetts Divorce section, we divided one question into two questions to make the information easier to digest. As a result, we created a new question called What factors will a judge consider when deciding alimony? in English and Spanish.
In our Florida Restraining Orders, we revised 5 questions to update the links to various court forms on the Florida Courts website and we revised 1 question in our Florida Crimes page to update the link to the VINE program. We also revised 11 questions in the Florida Workplace Protections page for accuracy and clarity. All changes made in English and Spanish. Lastly, we added a statute related to small claims court to our Selected Florida Statutes page.
We restructured our Massachusetts Crimes page by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes. We also added the crime of “carrying dangerous weapons.” All changes made in English and Spanish.
On our Kansas Crimes page, we did the following:
- Restructured the page by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes;
- Added the crimes of “violation of a protective order,” “criminal carrying of a gun,” and “selling sexual relations;”
- Updated the link to the Crime Victims Compensation Board, where you can find more information on victims’ compensation in Kansas.
All changes made in English and Spanish.
We restructured our Indiana Crimes page by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes. We also added the crime “promotion of human labor trafficking.” All changes made in English and Spanish.
We restructured our Maine Crimes page by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes. We also added the crime of “endangering welfare of dependent person.” All changes made in English and Spanish.
On our Missouri Gun Laws page, we revised the question What is the penalty for violating the firearms laws? to reflect a recent change in the law which made unlawful possession of a firearm a more serious crime. On our Missouri Custody page, we revised the question What factors will a judge consider when deciding custody? to clarify that a judge cannot decide custody based only on the fact that a parent sends his/her child to an FPE school. Changes were made in both English and Spanish.
We revised our Arizona Suing an Abuser for Money page to add that neither party is allowed to be represented by an attorney unless both of them agree to it in writing. We also added a related statute to the Selected Arizona Statutes page.
Based on 2024 legislative changes, we did the following:
- Revised What is the legal definition of abuse in Maine? in our Maine Restraining Orders section, to add stalking to the definition and clarify what qualifies when harassment and threats are being made using speech.
- Revised What factors will the judge consider when deciding whether to give alimony? in our Maine Divorce section, to add economic abuse to the factors the judge will consider.
Changed made in English; Spanish coming soon.
Based on legislative amendments that took effect 1/1/24, we revised the California Suing an Abuser for Money page in English and Spanish to update the small claims court limit from $10,000 to $12,500. We also added a related statute to our Selected California Statutes page.
We completely restructured and expanded our Utah Custody page as follows:
- Created the new subsection Basic info and definitions, including five new questions.
- Created the new subsection Who can get custody or visitation, including two new questions.
- Created the new subsection The custody process, including four new questions.
- Created the new subsection After a custody order is in place.
All changes made in English; Spanish coming soon.
We also added 11 statutes related to custody to our Selected Utah Statutes page.
In our Arkansas Domestic Violence Orders of Protection page, we revised Step 3: The ex parte hearing to clarify that if a victim is denied an ex parte order, s/he still has the right to request a hearing for a final order where both sides are present and can offer evidence. In our Arkansas Suing an Abuser for Money page, we added that under Arkansas law, attorneys are not allowed to represent either party in small claims court. (Spanish coming soon.) We also added a statute related to small claims court to our Selected Arkansas Statutes page.
We restructured our Hawaii Crimes page by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes.
We restructured our Guam Crimes page by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes. We also added the crime of “disclosure of family violence shelter.”
We restructured our Florida Crimes page by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes.
We also added seven crimes related to battery, violation of an injunction, property, and gun laws. Crimes added in English; Spanish coming soon.
We revised our Maryland Crimes page to add the crime of ‘driving while under the influence or impairment of alcohol or drug prohibited,’ in English and Spanish.
In our Maryland Restraining Orders section, we revised the question What are the legal definitions of domestic abuse, sexual assault, abuse of a child, and abuse of a vulnerable adult in Maryland?, based on 2024 legislative changes. Changes made in English; Spanish coming soon.
We restructured the Crimes page for Washington, D.C. by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes.
We also added 17 crimes related to sex offenses, prostitution, identity theft, and gun laws. Crimes added in English; Spanish coming soon.
We restructured the Crimes page for Delaware by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes. We also added 14 crimes related to abuse, assault, burglary, fraud, cruelty to animals, and gun laws.
On our Florida Restraining Orders page, in the question Can my injunction be extended, changed, or dismissed? we updated the links to the Motion for Extension of Injunction form on the Florida Supreme Court’s website.
In our Florida Divorce section, we added information to What types of alimony are there? about the ability to file for spousal support even before a divorce is started. Spanish coming soon.
octubre 2024
We revised the Spanish translation of I do not have a protective order against the abuser, and s/he has not been convicted of a crime. Is there anything I can do? on our New Hampshire State Gun Laws page to improve readability for our users
We translated into Spanish the Abuse Among People Living with HIV/AIDS page in our About Abuse – Abuse in Specific Communities section.
On our Tennessee Custody page, we translated into Spanish the question What is a parenting plan and what are “parental responsibilities”? as well as recent revisions to How will a judge make a decision about custody?
On our About Abuse – Abuse Using Technology page, we translated into Spanish recent revisions to 14 questions and a newly created question in the sections Evidence Issues in Cases Involving Technology and Ways Courts Use Technology.
We translated into Spanish seven new questions and four revised questions on our Virtual Hearings page.
We translated into Spanish our Louisiana Housing Laws page.
In our Guam Restraining Orders section, we did the following:
- Revised How can a victim advocate help me during the court process? to add a link to our Guam Advocates and Shelters page;
- Revised Who can get an order of protection? to define what the fourth degree of affinity means, which is included in the definition of family or household member;
- Revised an additional 14 questions to improve the clarity and accuracy of the information.
In our Louisiana Restraining Orders section, in What is the legal definition of domestic abuse in Louisiana?, we updated the link to the Louisiana Legislature that lists crimes that could be included in the definition of “domestic abuse.” Changes made in English and Spanish.
Based on 2024 legislative changes, we revised three questions in our Louisiana State Gun Laws page to add that if the abuser was age 15 or 16 at the time s/he was “adjudicated delinquent” of committing certain crimes, s/he may be violating the law against possessing a firearm.
In our Iowa Custody section, we did the following:
- Revised Can a grandparent or great-grandparent get visitation? to emphasize that a visitation request can only be made if the child’s parent has died. We also clarified that there is a “rebuttable presumption” in favor of the parent’s decision if s/he objects to visitation and explained what that terms means; and
- Revised How will a judge decide if grandparent or great-grandparent visitation is in the child’s best interest? to clarify that the judge will only look at the best interest factors if the child’s parent has died and many other factors are true. We then linked users to Can a grandparent or great-grandparent get visitation? for a more detailed explanation of the many factors the judge would consider first.
We updated the Ohio Coalition for Domestic Violence on our Ohio Statewide Programs page in English and Spanish.
We restructured the Crimes page for Louisiana by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes.
We restructured the Crimes page for Wyoming by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes. We also added three crimes related to assault, unlawful acts via telephone, and firearms.
We updated links to forms on the Colorado Courts website, in English and Spanish, as follows:
- In our Colorado Restraining Orders section:
- “Protection Order Incident Checklist” form in What is the legal definition of domestic violence in Colorado?
- “How to Obtain a Civil Protection Order, JDF 400” in Step 5: The hearing
- “Instructions for Protected Person Motion to Modify / Dismiss Protection Order” in Can I file to modify the terms or length of my order or cancel it?
- “Instructions for Restrained Person Motion to Modify / Dismiss Protection Order” in What if I disagree with the protection order issued against me?
- “Fee Waivers” page in How much does it cost to get a protection order?
- “Petition and Affidavit for an Extreme Risk Protection Order” in How do I get an extreme risk protection order?
- In our Colorado Divorce section:
- “Petition for Divorce or Legal Separation,” ”Instructions to Convert Decree of Legal Separation to Decree of Dissolution of Marriage” and ”Motion to Convert Decree of Legal Separation to Decree of Dissolution of Marriage” in Where can I find additional information about divorce?
- In our Colorado Suing an Abuser for Money section, the “Guide to Small Claims” and “Small Claims Notice and Summons.”
We revised our Colorado Download Court Forms page in English and Spanish to update the link to the Colorado Courts website’s court forms and to list the types of court forms available.
We updated 12 resources on our Kansas Legal Assistance page, and one resource on our Lawyer Referral Services page. Updates made in English; Spanish coming soon.
We restructured the Crimes page for Nebraska by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes. We also added six crimes related to sexual offenses, trafficking, domestic assault, abandonment, and abuse of a vulnerable or senior adult. All changes made in English and Spanish.
Based on 2024 legislative amendments, we did the following in our Colorado Custody section:
- Revised How will a judge make a decision about allocation of parental responsibilities? to add the following:
- a judge should not consider information or recommendations that are biased, including bias regarding religion, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, culture, race, ethnicity, national origin, or disability; and
- either party can file a motion to ask the judge to interview the child in the judge’s chambers in order to find out the child’s wishes as to parenting time.
- Revised Can a parent who committed abuse against me or my child get parental responsibilities? to add that when considering the judge considers the safety and well-being of the child and the abused parent, it includes their physical, mental, and emotional condition and needs.
- Revised If an allocation of parental responsibilities order is already in place, how can I get it changed? to add that a judge can order a litigant who files a frivolous motion to pay the costs of the other party’s “licensed legal paraprofessional.”
- Revised What can I do if the other parent violates the order? to add that a judge can order the losing party on a motion for contempt to pay the costs of the other party’s “licensed legal paraprofessional.”
Spanish coming soon.
We restructured the Crimes page for Wisconsin by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes. Changes made in English and Spanish.
We restructured the Crimes page for the U.S. Virgin Islands by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes.
We also updated the link to the Virgin Islands Department of Human Services, which has information on victims’ compensation.
In our Arizona Injunctions Against Workplace Harassment section, we revised How is an injunction against workplace harassment different from other types of protective orders? in English and Spanish to update the possible filing fee that could be charged.
We restructured the Crimes page for South Carolina by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes. We also added the crimes of buggery and criminal solicitation of a minor. All changes made in English and Spanish.
We added seven crimes to our Mississippi Crimes page related to kidnapping, assault, offenses against children, crimes against public peace, and computer crimes. We also added seven related statutes to our Selected Mississippi Statutes page.
We restructured the Crimes page for New Mexico by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes. We also added the crime of criminal sexual penetration. All changes made in English and Spanish.
We updated the resource on our Utah Lawyer Referral Services page in English; Spanish coming soon!
We updated 11 resources on our Utah Legal Assistance page in English; Spanish coming soon!
We updated one resource on our Utah Statewide Programs page in English and Spanish.
We restructured the Crimes page for New Hampshire by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes. We also added the crime of false imprisonment.
We restructured the Crimes page for North Dakota by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes.
We restructured the Crimes page for Mississippi by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes. We also added five crimes related to human trafficking and offenses affecting children.
We restructured the Crimes page for Maryland by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes. Changes made in English and Spanish.
We added the crime of “incest” to our Kentucky Crimes page.
We added the following four crimes to our Illinois Crimes page in English and Spanish: violation of a civil no contact order, violation of a stalking no contact order, aggravated stalking, and harassing and obscene communications.
On our About Abuse – Sexual Assault/Rape page we updated the link to the cited National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey in the questions What is sexual assault? How common is it? and What is rape? How common is it?
On our About Abuse – Financial Abuse page we updated the link in If someone opened up accounts in my name without my permission, is this identity theft? for the National Conference of State Legislature’s state identity theft statutes.
On our Safety Planning – While Using Social Media page we updated the link to a resource on cyber-bullying.
In our Safety Planning – For Stalking Victims section, we updated the links to the VictimConnect Resource Center’s map of address confidentiality programs and to the Stalking, Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center’s stalking incident log.
We updated the contact information for one resource on our National Organizations – Title IX page.
We updated the Rules of Evidence section of our Court Systems Basics page with current links to the state rules of evidence for Alaska, New Jersey, and Ohio.
We updated the contact information for one resource on our Utah Local Programs page.
We updated the contact information for one resource on our Kentucky Local Programs page.
We updated the contact information for one resource on our Kansas Local Programs page.
We updated the contact information for one resource on our Minnesota Local Programs page.
We updated the contact information for one resource on our Ohio Local Programs page.
We updated the contact information for one resource on our Nebraska Local Programs page.
We updated the contact information for one resource on our Missouri Local Programs page.
We updated the contact information for two resources on our Texas Local Programs page.
For the Northern Mariana Islands we did the following:
- Created a new Suing an Abuser for Money page with information about seeking justice through the civil court system.
- Created a new Crimes page with information about possible crimes in the CNMI that the abuser may have committed.
- Added 48 statutes related to crimes to our Selected Northern Mariana Islands Statutes page.
On our Alaska Child Support page, we added the question Can I get child support?
On our Ohio Divorce page, we updated the links in Where can I find additional information about divorce in Ohio? for the court forms for divorce with and without children.
In our Wisconsin Lawyer Referral Services page, we updated the description for the “State Bar of Wisconsin - Lawyer Referral Service and Modest Means Program” to add that they charge a $30 fee to use the lawyer referral service, in addition to the consultation fee for the lawyer.
In our Texas Places that Help section, we translated into Spanish one resource on our Local Programs page, one on our Legal Assistance page, and one on our Courthouse Locations page.
We translated into Spanish one resource on our Tennessee Local Programs page.
In our Pennsylvania Places that Help section, we translated into Spanish four resources on our Local Programs page and one resource on our Legal Assistance page.
In our Ohio Places that Help section, we translated into Spanish three resources on our Local Programs page and one resource on our Legal Assistance page.
In our New York Places that Help section, we translated into Spanish one resource on our Local Programs page and eight resources on our Legal Assistance page.
We translated into Spanish 10 resources on our Minnesota Legal Assistance page.
In our Michigan Places that Help section, we translated into Spanish one resource on our Local Programs page and two resources on our Legal Assistance page.
In our Massachusetts Places that Help section, we translated into Spanish one resource on our Local Programs page and three on our Courthouse Locations page.
We translated into Spanish one resource on our Maryland Legal Assistance page.
We translated into Spanish one resource on our Maine Courthouse Locations page.
We translated into Spanish one resource on our Illinois Courthouse Locations page.
We translated into Spanish five resources on our Idaho Courthouse Locations page.
We translated into Spanish one resource on our Florida Local Programs page.
We translated into Spanish one resource on our Colorado Courthouse Locations page.
We translated into Spanish one resource on our California Courthouse Locations page.
We translated into Spanish one resource on our Arkansas Legal Assistance page.
septiembre 2024
On our About Abuse – Abuse Using Technology page, we completely rewrote the following sections:
- Abuse Involving Connected Devices
- Abuse Involving Texts, Photos, and Videos (non-consensual dissemination of intimate image/”revenge porn”)
- Cyberstalking and Online Harassment
We created six questions and revised 22 questions to provide survivors with the most updated knowledge about different ways technology could be misused by abusers. All changes made in English. Spanish coming soon.
Based on 2024 legislative changes, for Utah we:
- Revised What is the legal definition of domestic violence and abuse in Utah? on our Restraining Orders page and added seven related statutes to our Selected Utah Statutes page.
- Revised If the abuser’s gun is taken away, what will happen to it? on our State Gun Laws page.
Changes made in English; Spanish coming soon.
In our West Virginia Places that Help section, we translated into Spanish 54 resources on our Local Programs page and 30 resources on our Courthouse Locations page.
In our South Dakota Places that Help section, we translated into Spanish one resource on our Local Programs page and one resource on our Lawyer Referral Services page.
In our Montana Places that Help section, we translated into Spanish 20 Local Programs resources, one Statewide Programs resource, three Legal Assistance resources, and one Lawyer Referral Services resource.
In our New Hampshire Places that Help section, we translated into Spanish one resource on the Statewide Programs page, six resources on the Legal Assistance page, one resource on the Lawyer Referral Services page, and 30 resources on the Courthouse Locations page.
In our Wyoming Places that Help section, we translated into Spanish one resource on our Statewide Programs page, nine resources on our Legal Assistance page, and one resource on our Lawyer Referral Service page.
We translated into Spanish one resource on our Delaware Legal Assistance page.
In our Mississippi Places that Help section, we translated into Spanish 11 resources on our Local Programs page, one resource on our Lawyer Referral Services page, and one resource on our Courthouse Locations page.
In our Kentucky Places that Help section, we translated into Spanish 17 resources on the Legal Assistance page, one resource on the Lawyer Referral Services page, and two resources on the Courthouse Locations page.
We translated into Spanish 40 resources on our Iowa Courthouse Locations page.
We translated into Spanish our Nebraska Child Support and Housing Laws pages. Now the Spanish translation of the Nebraska Legal Information section is complete! That makes Nebraska the 37th state to be completely translated into Spanish on our website!
We created a new Nebraska Housing Laws page with six new questions regarding protections for victims of domestic violence. We also added five related statutes on our Selected Nebraska Statutes page.
We revised five questions on our Utah Divorce page, based on 2024 legislative changes. Spanish coming soon.
- What are the residency requirements to file for divorce in Utah?
- What are the grounds for divorce in Utah?
- Can I get alimony?
- Will a judge consider who is at fault for the marriage ending when making a decision about alimony?
- Can a judge change or end my alimony order?
We also added 13 related statutes to our Selected Utah Statutes page.
We added a new question, What are words and abbreviations I might hear in a Texas custody case?, to our Texas Custody section. Added in English; Spanish coming soon!
On our Minnesota Custody page, we revised two questions based on 2024 legislative changes affecting the way some factors, like a parent’s gender, can be used to determine custody:
- How will a judge make a decision about custody?
- Can the non-custodial parent have access to the child’s medical, health, and school records?
We also added the new custody question If I or my child has a disability, will that affect the judge’s decision? based on 2024 legislative changes about how a parent’s disability can be considered in the custody process.
We updated our Minnesota Suing an Abuser for Money page based on 2024 legislative changes that increased the amount of damages in small claims court to $20,000.
On our Minnesota Divorce page, we revised three questions based on 2024 legislative changes for what is taken into account to determine an alimony award:
We also added the following new questions based on these same legislative changes and to improve clarity for our users:
- If the judge orders alimony, how long will it last?
- Will I continue to receive alimony if I remarry?
On our Minnesota Restraining Orders page, we revised the following questions based on 2024 legislative changes about how restraining order papers are served:
- What types of orders for protection are available? How long do they last?
- Step 2: A judge will review your petition and may grant an ex parte order.
- Step 3: Service of process
- How can my order be changed, extended, or vacated?
- Do I need to tell the court in Minnesota if I move?
- What happens if the abuser violates the order?
We also revised How much does it cost to file for a harassment restraining order? based on 2024 legislative changes for what crimes mean that there is no fee to file for this type of order.
Finally, we added one statute related to custody to our Selected Minnesota Statutes page.
In our California Custody section, we translated into Spanish three questions:
On our Florida Custody page, we translated into Spanish recent revisions to What is a parenting plan?
On our Florida Restraining Orders page, we translated into Spanish recent revisions to What protections can I get in an injunction for protection against domestic violence?
In our Washington, D.C. Extreme Risk Protection Orders section, we translated into Spanish recent revisions to three questions:
- What types of orders are there? How long do they last?
- Who can file for an extreme risk protection order?
- Can I renew an extreme risk protection order?
On our Washington, D.C. Gun Laws page, we translated into Spanish recent revisions to two questions:
We translated into Spanish recent updates to our New York Suing an Abuser for Money page.
On our Alabama State Gun Laws page, we translated into Spanish recent revisions to I have a protection from abuse (PFA) order against the abuser. Can s/he have a gun?
In our Georgia Dating Violence Protective Orders section, we translated into Spanish the new question What can I do if the abuser violates the order?
In our Georgia Stalking Protective Orders section, we translated into Spanish recent revisions to What types of stalking protective orders are there and how long do they last?
In our Georgia Child Support section, we translated into Spanish recent revisions to two questions:
We translated into Spanish the following legal information sections for Nebraska:
We translated into Spanish our Nebraska Harassment Protection Orders page.
In our U.S. Virgin Islands Places that Help section, we updated three Local Programs resources, two Legal Assistance resources, and one Lawyer Referral Services resource. All updates made in English and Spanish.
On our New York Divorce page we revised the question What are the grounds for divorce?, based on 2024 legislative changes. Spanish coming soon.
We restructured the Crimes page for Kentucky by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes.
We restructured the Crimes page for Illinois by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes. Changes made in English and Spanish.
We restructured the Crimes page for Iowa by creating a chart that lists the crime names on one side and the statute numbers on the order side. Now, users can sort crimes alphabetically, making it easier to find crimes by name, or they can sort them according to how they appear in the statutes.
We added a resource, the State Bar of Michigan Modest Means Program, to our Michigan Lawyer Referral Services page in English and Spanish.
On our general Parental Kidnapping page we created the question If I get temporary emergency custody in a state where I have just arrived, how long will the custody order last? Spanish coming soon.
We also revised three questions to improve readability for our users, in English and Spanish.
On our Tennessee Restraining Orders page, we translated into Spanish recent updates to What types of protection orders are there? How long do they last?
On our Tennessee Custody page, we translated into Spanish recent updates to two questions:
We translated into Spanish recent revisions to the following six questions on our Connecticut State Gun Laws page:
- I am a victim of domestic violence and the abuser has a gun. Is that illegal?
- I have a temporary restraining order against the abuser. Is it illegal for the abuser to have a gun?
- I have a final restraining order against the abuser. Is it illegal for him/her to have a firearm?
- If the abuser was convicted of a crime, is it illegal to have a gun?
- If the abuser’s gun is taken away, what will happen to it?
- I do not have a protection order and the abuser has not been convicted of a crime. Are there any other reasons why it’d be illegal for the abuser to have a gun in Connecticut?
On our Virginia Restraining Orders page, we translated into Spanish recent updates to the following questions:
- How much does it cost to get a protective order? Do I need a lawyer?
- What happens if the abuser violates the order? in the section Protective Orders (for Family Abuse)
- What happens if the abuser violates the order? in the section Protective Orders (for an Act of Violence, Force, or Threat) section
On our Virginia Custody page, we translated into Spanish recent updates to the question If a custody order is already in place, how can I get it changed?
We translated into Spanish recent revisions to the following questions on our Oklahoma Restraining Orders page:
We translated into Spanish the following in our Washington Stalking Protection Orders section:
- Newly added questions:
- Recent revisions to the following questions: