Statutes: Michigan
- Chapter 28. Michigan State Police
- Firearms
- 28.425b. Application for license to carry concealed pistol; requirements; issuance of receipt; penalties for false statements; maintenance of records; application and licensing fee; verification of eligibility; disqualifications; entry of order or convict
- 28.434 Unlawful possession; weapon forfeited to state; disposal; immunity
- Firearms
- Chapter 445. Trade and Commerce
- Chapter 552. Divorce
- 552.6. Complaint for divorce, filing, contents; answer; judgment
- 552.9. Judgment of divorce; residency requirements, exception
- 552.13. Action; alimony, conservation of property, costs
- 552.23 Award of real and personal estate and support from estate; transmittal of payments to state department; service fee; “state disbursement unit” defined
- 552.605. Child support order; deviation from formula; agreement
- 552.605b. Order of support for child 18 years of age or older; issuance; termination; validity of prior judgments or orders
- Chapter 554. Real and Personal Property
- Chapter 600. Revised Judicature Act of 1961
- Revised Judicature Act of 1961
- Chapter 25. Fees
- Chapter 29. Provisions Concerning Specific Actions
- 600.2950. Personal protection orders; current or former spouse, dating relationship, or housemate
- 600.2950a. Stalking or aggravated stalking; purchasing or possessing firearms; personal protection orders to enjoin or restrain conduct; contents; entry into law enforcement information network; enforcement
- 600.2950b. Individuals proceeding without attorneys; forms, contents
- 600.2950c. Assistance with personal protection order; domestic violence victim advocate.
- 600.2950h. “Foreign protection order”; “LEIN”; “NCIC protection order file”
- 600.2950i. Foreign protection order; validity; affirmative defenses
- 600.2950j. Foreign protection orders; full faith and credit; child custody or support provision
- 600.2950k. Foreign protection order sought against spouse or intimate partner; full faith and credit
- 600.2950l. Foreign protection orders; enforcement; service or notice; liability of law enforcement officer, prosecutor, or court personnel
- 600.2950m. Foreign protection order that is conditional release order or probation order; violation
- Chapter 58. Limitation of Actions
- Chapter 84. Small Claims Division
- Chapter 17. Contempts
- Revised Judicature Act of 1961
- Chapter 691. Judiciary
- Extreme Risk Protection Order Act
- 691.1803. Definitions
- 691.1805. Request for extreme risk protection order; filing of action
- 691.1806. Hearing procedure
- 691.1807. Issuance of extreme risk protection order; motion to modify or rescind order; powers and duties of court
- 691.1809. Contents of extreme risk protection order
- 691.1817. Issuance of extended extreme risk protection order
- 691.1819. Failure to comply with extreme risk protection order; penalties
- Extreme Risk Protection Order Act
- Chapters 701 to 713 Probate Code
- Chapter 722. Children
- Child Custody Act of 1970
- 722.23. Best interests of the child, definition
- 722.24. Child's inherent rights, declaration; custody, support, and visitation, establishment; representation of child's best interests, appointment of lawyer-guardian ad litem; report and recommendation; costs and fees
- 722.25. Child custody dispute; presumptions and burden of proof; award; parent convicted of criminal sexual conduct
- 722.26a. Joint custody
- 722.27. Powers of circuit court in child custody dispute; enforcement of judgment or order; powers and duties of parent on deployment
- 722.27a. Parenting time; presumptions and burden of proof; frequency, duration, and type; factors; order; terms and conditions; ex parte interim orders; deployment of parent
- 722.27b. Grandparenting time; request for order; commencement of action for time; pleadings, notice, hearings, presumptions and burden of proof in action; opposition of parents to order; determination of best interests of child; alternative dispute resolu
- 722.30. Access to records or information by parents
- 722.31. Legal residence of children; parental custody governed by court order
- Uniform Child-Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act
- Child Custody Act of 1970
- Chapter 750. The Michigan Penal Code
- The Michigan Penal Code
- Chapter I. Definitions
- Chapter XI. Assaults
- 750.81. Assault and battery; domestic assault or assault of pregnant individual; penalties; prior convictions
- 750.81a. Assault; infliction of serious or aggravated injury; penalties; aggravated domestic assault with prior convictions
- 750.83. Assault with intent to commit murder
- 750.84. Assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder; assault by strangulation or suffocation; penalties; violations of law arising out of the same conduct
- 750.85. Torture
- Chapter XX. Children
- Chapter XXXVII. Firearms
- 750.222. Definitions
- 750.224f. Persons convicted of felonies or specified felonies; possession, use, transportation, etc. of firearms prohibited until conditions met
- 750.239 Forfeiture of weapons; disposal; immunity from civil liability
- 750.239a Disposition of seized weapon; immunity from civil liability; "law enforcement agency" defined
- Chapter L. Kidnapping
- Chapter LX. Miscellaneous
- 750.411h. Stalking; definitions; violation, penalties; probation, term, conditions; evidence, rebuttable presumption; penalty additional
- 750.411i. Aggravated stalking; course of conduct; violation, penalties; probation; rebuttable presumption
- 750.411s. Posting messages through electronic medium without consent
- Chapter LXXVI. Sexual Conduct
- Chapter LXXXII. Telegraph and Telephone
- Chapter LXXXV. Trespass
- The Michigan Penal Code
- Chapter 761. The Code of Criminal Procedure
- Chapter 780. Criminal Procedure
- Michigan Court Rules
27 de marzo de 2024