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Información Legal: Rhode Island

Rhode Island: Crimes

Leyes actualizadas al
19 de julio de 2024


Even if you do not qualify for a restraining order, the abuser may have committed a crime. If you call the police, they may arrest him/her for a crime and you may get a restraining order through the criminal court. Remember that even if you do have a restraining order, you can still report him/her to the police if you believe s/he committed a crime against you.

In our Abuse Using Technology section, you can learn the types of behaviors that are considered a misuse of technology. Some of these behaviors might be recognized as a crime depending on the specific laws of your state.

What are some crimes that the abuser may have committed in Rhode Island?
If I am the victim of a crime, where can I get additional help in Rhode Island?

What are some crimes that the abuser may have committed in Rhode Island?

Here is a list of some possible crimes in Rhode Island that the abuser may have committed. You can click on the links to read the legal definition of each crime on our State Statutes page:

Statute Crime (click here to sort the list alphabetically by crime names)
11-2-1 Abandonment or nonsupport of spouse or children
11-2-1.1 Failure to pay child support
11-2-2 Desertion by leaving state
11-4-2 Arson in the first degree
11-4-3 Arson in the second degree
11-4-4 Arson in the third degree
11-4-5 Arson in the fourth degree
11-4-6 Arson in the fifth degree
11-4-7 Arson in the sixth degree
11-4-8 Arson in the seventh degree
11-5-2.3 Domestic assault by strangulation
11-5-3 Simple assault
11-5-14.2 Battery by an adult upon a child 10 years or younger
11-8-1 Burglary
11-8-1.1 Attempted breaking and entering
11-8-2 Unlawful breaking and entering of dwelling house
11-8-2.1 Unlawful breaking and entering of dwelling with possession of instruments relating to wrongful setting of fires
11-8-2.2 Breaking and entering of a dwelling when resident on premises
11-9-1.4 Sexting
11-9-5 Child neglect
11-9-5.3 Child abuse
11-9-5.4 Child endangerment
11-23-1 Murder
11-23-3 Manslaughter
11-26-1 Kidnapping
11-26-1.1 Childsnatching
11-26-1.2 Abduction of child prior to court order
11-26-1.4 Kidnapping of a minor
11-26-1.5 Enticement of children
11-35-14 Refusal to relinquish or to damage or to obstruct telephone
11-35-17 Crank or obscene telephone calls
11-35-21 Unauthorized interception of communication
11-37-2 First degree sexual assault
11-37-4 Second degree sexual assault
11-37-6 Third degree sexual assault
11-37-8.1 First degree child molestation sexual assault
11-37-8.3 Second degree child molestation sexual assault
11-37-8.8 Indecent solicitation of a child
11-44-1 Vandalism
11-44-26 Willful trespass
11-45-1 Disorderly conduct
11-47-5 Possession of arms by person convicted of crime of violence
11-49.1-3 Identity fraud
11-52-4.2 Cyberstalking and cyberharassment
11-52-7.1 Online impersonation
11-59-2 Stalking
11-64-2 Video voyeurism
11-64-3 Unauthorized dissemination of indecent material
11-69-1 Electronic tracking of motor vehicles

If I am the victim of a crime, where can I get additional help in Rhode Island?

The Rhode Island Office of the Attorney General runs a Victim Services Unit, which provides information on victims’ rights and services for felony crime victims and their families You can also call them at (401) 274-4400.

The Rhode Island Department of Corrections runs an Office of Victim Services, which provides information on victims’ rights and services for all crime victims whose offenders are currently in custody at the Adult Correctional Institutions. You can also call them at (401) 462-5203.

For information on victims’ compensation in Rhode Island, visit the Rhode Island Office of the General Treasurer’s website, or contact them by telephone at (401) 462-7655.

If you are a victim of domestic violence and have been charged with a crime, you can go to our Abuse Victims Charged with Crimes page.

Other organizations for victims of crime are listed on our National Organizations - Crime Victims page.