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Estatutos Estatales Seleccionados: Carolina del Sur

Estatutos Seleccionados: South Carolina

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2 de julio de 2024

16-3-1780. Expiration of temporary restraining orders and restraining orders; extensions and modifications.

(A) A temporary restraining order remains in effect until the hearing on the Rule to Show Cause why the order should not be extended for the full one-year period. The temporary restraining order must be for a fixed period in accordance with subsection (B) if the court finds the defendant in default at the hearing.

(B) In cases not provided for in subsection (A), a restraining order must be for a fixed period not to exceed one year but may be extended by court order on a motion by the plaintiff, showing good cause, with notice to the defendant. The defendant is entitled to a hearing on the extension of an order issued pursuant to this subsection within thirty days of the date upon which the order will expire.

(C) Notwithstanding subsection (B), the provisions included in a restraining order granting relief pursuant to Section 16-3-1770 dissolve one year following the issuance of the order unless, prior to the expiration of this period, the court has charged the defendant with the crime of harassment in the first or second degree or stalking and has scheduled a date for trial on the charge. If the trial has been scheduled, relief granted pursuant to Section 16-3-1770 remains in effect beyond the one-year period only until the conclusion of the trial.

(D) The court may modify the terms of an order issued pursuant to this section.