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Información Legal: Vermont
Usted está aquí Vermont » Litigation Abuse
Leyes actualizadas al 11 de julio de 2024
My request for an order restricting abusive litigation was denied. What will happen next? If, after you present all of your evidence, the judge decides that the litigation against you is not abusive, the judge is required to explain the decision either in a written order or orally at the hearing. The case that the abuser has brought against you will then proceed normally and you will be expected to participate in it.1
You can read more about appealing an order if you believe the judge made an error, and you can look for a lawyer if you need advice on your options at this stage. If you are hoping to prevent the abuser from contacting you outside of court, you may also want to read about relief from abuse orders and sexual assault or stalking protective orders to see if you qualify for either.
1 VT ST 15 § 1184(c)
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