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: Misisipi

Estatutos Seleccionados: Mississippi

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2 de julio de 2024

43-19-33. Force and effect of written stipulated agreements regarding support and written admission of paternity containing agreement of support

(1) In lieu of legal proceedings instituted to obtain support for a dependent child from the responsible parent, a written stipulated agreement to support said child by periodic payments executed by the responsible parent when acknowledged before a clerk of the court having jurisdiction over such matters or a notary public and filed with and approved by the judge of the court having jurisdiction over such matters shall have the same force and effect, retroactively and prospectively, in accordance with the terms of said agreement as an order of support entered by the court, and shall be enforceable and subject to modification in the same manner as is provided by law for orders of the court in such cases.

(2) In lieu of legal proceedings instituted to establish paternity, a written admission of paternity containing a stipulated agreement of support executed by the putative father of the dependent child, when accompanied by a written declaration in support of establishing paternity provided under penalty of perjury to the best of her knowledge, information and belief by the mother of the dependent child, when acknowledged by the putative father before a clerk of the court having jurisdiction over such matters or a notary public and filed with and approved by the judge of the court having jurisdiction over such matters, shall have the same force and effect, retroactively and prospectively, in accordance with the terms of said agreement, as an order of filiation and support entered by the court, and shall be enforceable and subject to modification in the same manner as is provided by law for orders of the court in such cases.

(3) At any time after filing with the court having continuing jurisdiction of such matters of an acknowledgment of paternity in which a provision of support has not been entered, upon notice the defendant shall be required to appear in court at any time and place named therein, to show cause, if any he can, why the court should not enter an order for the support of the child by periodic payments. The order may include provisions for reimbursement for medical expenses incident to the pregnancy and the birth of the child, accrued maintenance and reasonable expenses of the action under this subsection on the acknowledgment of paternity previously filed with said court. Notice by the department to the defendant shall be given by certified mail, restricted delivery, return receipt requested at his last known mailing address and without the requirement of a summons being issued, and shall be deemed complete as of the date of delivery as evidenced by the return receipt. The required notice may also be delivered by personal service in accordance with Rule 4 of the Mississippi Rules of Civil Procedure insofar as service of an administrative order or notice is concerned. Provided, that in the case of a child who, upon reaching the age of twenty-one (21) years, is mentally or physically incapable of self-support, the putative father shall not be relieved of the duty of support unless said child is a long-term patient in a facility owned or operated by the State of Mississippi. The prior judgment as to paternity shall be res judicata as to that issue and shall not be reconsidered by the court.

(4) Such agreements of support, acknowledgments, declarations and affirmations of paternity and support shall be binding on the person executing the same whether he be an adult or a minor and may include provisions for the reimbursement of medical expenses incident to the pregnancy and birth of the child, accrued maintenance and reasonable expenses of any action previously filed before the court.

(5) In lieu of legal proceedings instituted to enforce an order for support, a written stipulated agreement for the provision of periodic payments towards an arrearage executed by the defendant when acknowledged before a clerk of the court having jurisdiction over such matters or a notary public and filed with and approved by the judge of the court having jurisdiction over such matters shall have the same force and effect, retroactively and prospectively, in accordance with the terms of said agreement as a judgment for overdue support entered by the court, and shall be enforceable and subject to modification in the same manner as is provided by law for orders of the court in such cases.

(6) All agreements entered into under the provisions as set forth hereinabove shall be filed by the clerk of the court having jurisdiction over such matters in the county in which they are entered and filing fees shall be taxed to the responsible parent.