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Información Legal: Dakota del Sur

Restraining Orders

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Leyes actualizadas al 11 de julio de 2024

Step 2 - Carefully fill out the forms.

On the petition, you will be the “petitioner” and the abuser will be the “respondent.”

On the petition, in the box provided for explaining why you want the protection order, write briefly about incidents of violence, starting with the most recent, using specific language (slapping, hitting, grabbing, threatening, etc.) that fits your situation. Include details and dates, if possible. Clerks and magistrates can show you which blanks to fill in, but they cannot help you decide what to write.

It may also be useful to bring identifying information about the abuser such as a photo (which may be used in serving the order to respondent) and addresses of residence and employment.

Note: Do not sign the forms until you are in front of a notary or a clerk. The clerk can usually notarize the forms for you.