Las leyes que se describen a continuación están actuales hasta el Acta 272 de 2023, publicado el 10 de abril del 2024. En este momento no hay una versión oficial de las leyes de Wisconsin en español, pero puede encontrar estas y otras leyes adicionales (en inglés) en el sitio web de la Legislatura de Wisconsin.
Estatutos Seleccionados: Wisconsin
- Social Services (Ch. 46 to 58)
- Employment, Compensation and Mining (Ch. 101 to 109)
- Property (Ch. 700 to 711)
- Marriage and Family (Ch. 765 to 770)
- Chapter 767. Actions Affecting the Family
- Subchapter I. Definitions, Scope, Jurisdiction, and Recognition of Judgments
- Subchapter II. Provisions of General Application
- Subchapter IV. Annulment, Divorce, and Legal Separation
- Subchapter V. Child Custody, Placement, and Visitation
- 767.41. Custody and physical placement
- 767.43. Visitation rights of certain persons
- 767.407. Guardian ad litem for minor children
- 767.451. Revision of legal custody and physical placement orders
- 767.471. Enforcement of physical placement orders
- 767.481. Moving the child's residence within or outside the state
- Subchapter VI. Support and Maintenance
- Subchapter VII. Property Division
- Chapter 767. Actions Affecting the Family
- Actions and Proceedings in Special Cases (Ch. 775 to 788)
- Civil Procedure (Ch. 799 to 847)
- Chapter 799. Procedure in Small Claims Actions
- Chapter 801. Civil Procedure--Commencement of Action and Venue
- Chapter 813. Injunctions, Ne Exeat and Receivers
- 813.12. Domestic abuse restraining orders and injunctions
- 813.122. Child abuse restraining orders and injunctions
- 813.123. Restraining orders and injunctions for individuals at risk
- 813.125. Harassment restraining orders and injunctions
- 813.126. New hearing or petition for review
- 813.127. Combined actions; domestic abuse, child abuse and harassment
- 813.128. Uniform interstate enforcement of domestic violence protection orders act
- 813.1283. Uniform Recognition and Enforcement of Canadian Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act
- 813.1285. Notice and process for firearm surrender
- Chapter 814. Court Costs, Fees, and Surcharges
- Testimony, Documentary Evidence and Presumptions (Ch. 885 to 891)
- Miscellaneous Actions, Proceedings and Procedure (Ch. 895 to 900)
- Evidence (Ch. 901 to 937)
- Crimes (Ch. 938 to 951)
- Chapter 939. Crimes - General Provisions
- Chapter 940. Crimes Against Life And Bodily Security
- Chapter 941. Crimes Against Public Health and Safety
- Chapter 942. Crimes Against Reputation, Privacy and Civil Liberties
- Chapter 943. Crimes Against Property
- Chapter 947. Crimes Against Public Peace, Order and Other Interests
- Chapter 948. Crimes Against Children
- Criminal Procedure (Ch. 967 to 980)
- Miscellaneous Statutes
11 de junio de 2024