Estatutos Seleccionados: Tennessee
- Title 16. Courts
- Title 20. Civil Procedure
- Chapter 14. Violence in the Workplace
- 20-14-101. Definitions
- 20-14-102. Temporary restraining orders and injunctions
- 20-14-103. Jurisdiction
- 20-14-104. Affidavits in support of temporary restraining orders
- 20-14-105. Hearings
- 20-14-106. Service of process
- 20-14-107. Law enforcement agencies; copies
- 20-14-108. Duties of employer; civil or criminal remedies
- Chapter 14. Violence in the Workplace
- Title 29. Remedies and Special Proceedings
- Chapter 41. Abusive Civil Actions
- 29-41-101. Definitions
- 29-41-102. Scope of chapter
- 29-41-103. Claim asserting abusive civil action--how and when raised
- 29-41-104. Hearing
- 29-41-105. Evidence raising rebuttable presumption of abusive civil action
- 29-41-106. Findings by the court; judgment, costs, and attorney fees; imposition of pre-filing restrictions
- 29-41-107. Pre-filing restrictions; applications for permission to institute civil action
- Chapter 41. Abusive Civil Actions
- Title 36. Domestic Relations
- Chapter 1. Adoption
- Chapter 2. Parentage
- Chapter 3. Marriage
- Part 6. Domestic Abuse
- 36-3-601. Definitions
- 36-3-602. Petitions; persons who may seek relief
- 36-3-603. Protection orders; duration
- 36-3-604. Forms; order of protection
- 36-3-605. Protection orders; hearing; extension; modification
- 36-3-606. Protection orders; contents
- 36-3-607. Bonds
- 36-3-608. Protection orders; duration and modification
- 36-3-609. Protection orders; copies to be issued
- 36-3-610. Contempt
- 36-3-611. Arrest
- 36-3-612. Violation of a protection order
- 36-3-613. Leaving residence or household to avoid domestic abuse; self-defense
- 36-3-614. Paternity
- 36-3-615. Notice to victim of arrestees eligibility to post bond
- 36-3-616. Domestic violence community education fund
- 36-3-617. Protection orders; assistance in completion of petition forms; court costs
- 36-3-618. Legislative purpose and intent
- 36-3-619. Arrest; mandatory reports; notice of victims' rights and availability of shelters
- 36-3-620. Seizure of weapons used by domestic abuser
- 36-3-621. Order of protection; transfer of rights and billing responsibility concerning wireless telephone number
- 36-3-622. Foreign protection orders; full faith and credit; presumption of validity; enforceability
- 36-3-623. Domestic violence shelters, rape crisis centers, human trafficking service providers; confidentiality of records
- 36-3-624. Interagency domestic abuse death review team; protocol; team composition; communication disclosure; subpoena power
- 36-3-625. Order of protection; dispossession of firearms
- 36-3-626. Temporary authority of petitioner granted an order of protection to carry a handgun; requirements; duration
- 36-3-627. Lifetime orders of protection
- Part 6. Domestic Abuse
- Chapter 4. Divorce and Annulment
- Chapter 5. Alimony and child support
- Chapter 6. Child Custody and Visitation
- Part 1. General Custody Provisions
- 36-6-101. Judgments and decrees; enforcement; gender
- 36-6-102. Rape; child conceived; custody or visitation rights; rights of inheritance
- 36-6-106. Child custody
- 36-6-107. Mediation process; cases involving domestic abuse
- 36-6-108. Parent relocation
- 36-6-112. Allegations of child abuse; protection and treatment of child
- Part 3. Visitation
- Part 4. Parenting Plans
- Part 1. General Custody Provisions
- Title 37. Juveniles
- Title 39. Criminal Offenses
- Chapter 11. General Provisions
- Chapter 13. Offenses Against Person
- Part 1. Assaultive Offenses
- 39-13-101. Assault
- 39-13-102. Aggravated assault
- 39-13-103. Reckless endangerment
- 39-13-106. Vehicular assault; intoxication
- 39-13-109. Criminal exposure of another to HIV, hepatitis B virus, or to hepatitis C virus
- 39-13-110. Female genital mutilation
- 39-13-111. Domestic assault
- 39-13-113. Violation of order of protection, restraining order, or no contact order
- 39-13-115. Aggravated vehicular assault
- 39-13-116. Assault or aggravated assault against a law enforcement officer, first responder, or nurse
- 39-13-117. Grave torture
- Part 2. Criminal Homicide
- Part 3. Kidnapping and False Imprisonment
- 39-13-302. False imprisonment
- 39-13-303. Kidnapping
- 39-13-304. Aggravated kidnapping
- 39-13-305. Especially aggravated kidnapping
- 39-13-306. Custodial interference
- 39-13-307. Involuntary labor servitude
- 39-13-308. Trafficking persons for forced labor or services
- 39-13-309. Trafficking a person for a commercial sex act
- 39-13-316. Aggravated human trafficking
- Part 4. Robbery
- Part 5. Sexual Offenses
- 39-13-501. Definitions
- 39-13-502. Aggravated rape
- 39-13-503. Rape
- 39-13-504. Aggravated sexual battery
- 39-13-505. Sexual battery
- 39-13-506. Mitigated statutory rape; statutory rape; aggravated statutory rape; penalties
- 39-13-509. Sexual contact with a minor by an authority figure; penalty
- 39-13-511. Indecent exposure; penalties; exception for breastfeeding
- 39-13-512. Prostitution; definitions
- 39-13-513. Prostitution
- 39-13-514. Patronizing prostitution
- 39-13-515. Promoting prostitution
- 39-13-516. Aggravated prostitution
- 39-13-517. Public indecency
- 39-13-518. Continuous sexual abuse of a child
- 39-13-522. Rape of a child
- 39-13-527. Authority figure; sexual battery; penalty
- 39-13-528. Solicitation of person under 18 years of age
- 39-13-529. Sexual exploitation of minors via electronic means; persons subject to prosecution
- 39-13-531. Aggravated rape of a child
- 39-13-532. Statutory rape by an authority figure; penalty
- 39-13-533. Promoting travel for prostitution
- 39-13-534. Especially aggravated rape
- 39-13-535. Especially aggravated rape of a child
- Part 6. Invasion of Privacy
- Part 10. Burglary
- Part 1. Assaultive Offenses
- Chapter 14. Offense Against Property
- Chapter 15. Offenses Against the Family
- Chapter 16. Offenses Against Administration of Government
- Chapter 17. Offenses Against Public Health, Safety and Welfare
- Part 3. Disorderly Conduct and Riot
- Part 10. Sexual Exploitation of Children
- Part 13. Weapons
- 39-17-1301. Definitions
- 39-17-1307. Carrying or possession of weapons
- 39-17-1308. Carrying or possession of weapons; defenses
- 39-17-1316. Sales; requirements; background check
- 39-17-1319. Juveniles; possession of handgun
- 39-17-1321. Possession while under the influence of alcohol, controlled substance or controlled substance analogue; violation
- 39-17-1350. Authority of law enforcement officers to carry firearms; exceptions
- Title 40. Criminal Procedure
- Title 71. Welfare
- State Court Rules
16 de octubre de 2024