Las leyes que se encuentran a continuación son actualizadas hasta el 25 de abril de 2024. En este momento no hay una versión oficial de las leyes del Distrito de Columbia en español, pero puede encontrar estos y otros estatutos en inglés aquí.
Estatutos Seleccionados: District of Columbia
- Division I. Government of District.
- Title 2. Government Administration.
- Title 7. Human Health Care and Safety.
- Subtitle J. Public Safety.
- Chapter 25. Firearms Control.
- Unit A. Firearms Control Regulations.
- Subchapter II. Firearms and Destructive Devices.
- Subchapter X. Extreme Risk Protection Orders.
- § 7-2510.01. Definitions.
- § 7-2510.02. Petitions for extreme risk protection orders.
- § 7-2510.03. Final extreme risk protection orders.
- § 7-2510.04. Ex parte extreme risk protection orders.
- § 7-2510.06. Renewal of final extreme risk protection orders.
- § 7-2510.11. Violation of an extreme risk protection order.
- Unit A. Firearms Control Regulations.
- Chapter 25. Firearms Control.
- Subtitle J. Public Safety.
- Division II. Judiciary and Judicial Procedure
- Title 11. Organization and Jurisdiction of the Courts
- Title 14. Proof.
- Title 16. Particular Actions, Proceedings and Matters.
- Chapter 8A. Third-Party Custody
- Chapter 9. Divorce, Annulment, Separation, Support, Etc.
- § 16-902. Residency requirements.
- § 16-904. Grounds for divorce, legal separation, and annulment.
- § 16-910. Assignment and equitable distribution of property.
- § 16-913. Alimony.
- § 16-914. Custody of children.
- § 16-916. Maintenance of spouse [or domestic partner] and minor children; maintenance of former spouse [or domestic partner]; maintenance of minor children; enforcement.
- § 16-916.01. Child Support Guideline.
- Chapter 10. Proceedings Regarding Interfamily Offenses
- Subchapter I. Interfamily Proceedings Generally.
- Subchapter II. Parental Kidnapping
- Subchapter III. Domestic Violence.
- Subchapter IV. Interstate Enforcement Of Domestic Violence Protection Orders; Uniform Law.
- Subchapter V. Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board.
- § 16-1051. Definitions.
- § 16-1052. Establishment and purpose.
- § 16-1053. Composition of the Board; procedural requirements.
- § 16-1054. Access to information.
- § 16-1055. Subpoena power.
- § 16-1056. Confidentiality of information and proceedings; penalty for unlawful disclosure of information.
- § 16-1057. Immunity.
- § 16-1058. Rules.
- Chapter 10A. Anti-Stalking Orders.
- Chapter 46. Uniform Child–Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement.
- Division IV. Criminal Law and Procedure and Prisoners.
- Title 22. Criminal Offenses and Penalties.
- Subtitle I. Criminal Offenses.
- Chapter 3. Arson.
- Chapter 4. Assault; Mayhem; Threats.
- Chapter 9A. Criminal Abuse and Neglect of Vulnerable Adults.
- Chapter 10. Cruelty to Animals.
- Chapter 11. Cruelty to Children.
- Chapter 13A. Entry Into a Motor Vehicle, Unlawful.
- Chapter 14. False Pretenses; False Personation
- Chapter 18. General Offenses.
- Chapter 18A. Human Trafficking
- Chapter 19. Incest.
- Chapter 20. Kidnapping.
- Chapter 22. Obscenity.
- Chapter 27. Prostitution; Pandering.
- § 22-2704. Abducting or enticing child from his or her home for purposes of prostitution; harboring such child.
- § 22-2705. Pandering; inducing or compelling an individual to engage in prostitution.
- § 22-2706. Compelling an individual to live life of prostitution against his or her will.
- § 22-2708. Causing spouse or domestic partner to live in prostitution.
- § 22-2709. Detaining an individual in disorderly house for debt there contracted.
- Chapter 30. Sexual Abuse.
- Subchapter II. Sex Offenses.
- § 22-3002. First degree sexual abuse.
- § 22-3003. Second degree sexual abuse.
- § 22-3004. Third degree sexual abuse.
- § 22-3005. Fourth degree sexual abuse.
- § 22-3006. Misdemeanor sexual abuse
- § 22-3008. First degree child sexual abuse.
- § 22-3009. Second degree child sexual abuse.
- § 22-3009.01. First degree sexual abuse of a minor.
- § 22-3009.02. Second degree sexual abuse of a minor.
- § 22-3009.03. First degree sexual abuse of a secondary education student.
- § 22-3009.04. Second degree sexual abuse of a secondary education student.
- § 22-3010. Enticing a child or minor.
- § 22-3010.01. Misdemeanor sexual abuse of a child or minor.
- § 22-3010.02. Arranging for a sexual contact with a real or fictitious child.
- § 22-3013. First degree sexual abuse of a ward, patient, client, or prisoner.
- § 22-3014. Second degree sexual abuse of a ward, patient, client, or prisoner.
- § 22-3015. First degree sexual abuse of a patient or client.
- § 22-3016. Second degree sexual abuse of a patient or client.
- § 22-3018. Attempts to commit sexual offenses.
- Subchapter II. Sex Offenses.
- Chapter 30A. Non-Consensual Pornography.
- Chapter 31. Sexual Performance Using Minors
- Chapter 31A. Stalking
- Chapter 32. Theft; Fraud; Stolen Property; Forgery; and Extortion
- Chapter 33. Trespass; Injuries to Property.
- Chapter 35A. Voyeurism.
- Chapter 35B. Fines for Criminal Offenses.
- Subtitle VI. Regulation and Possession of Weapons.
- Subtitle I. Criminal Offenses.
- Title 23. Criminal procedure
- Title 22. Criminal Offenses and Penalties.
- Division V. Local Business Affairs
- Division VII. Property.
- Division VIII. General Laws.
30 de agosto de 2024