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Información Legal: Nebraska

Órdenes de restricción

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Leyes actualizadas al 30 de julio de 2024

How does the order get served upon the respondent?

The sheriff’s office in the county where the harasser lives will be responsible for serving the harassment protection order. The court clerk will provide a copy of the order to the appropriate sheriff’s office. After service is completed, the sheriff must file proof of service with the court clerk within 14 days of the date that the harassment protection order was issued.1

Note: Usually, the sheriff will go to the harasser’s home, work, or other place s/he can be found to serve the papers. If, for example, you believe that serving the respondent at work will endanger you, you can include this information in the forms that you fill out and request that the harasser not be served at work.

1 NE R.S. § 28-311.09(9)